
Crucial Points of Bitcoin

·     Bitcoin is usually traded in a bearish zone (Bears think things will get worse, i.e. Bearish) below the $9,400 support level against the US Dollar.

  • ·         Bitcoin is less volatile and has a more liquid market
  • ·         Trades in an established regulatory framework
  • ·         Has a niche understanding in an investment portfolio
  • ·         Bitcoin has a little overlap with crypto currencies on multifarious sources of demand and supply

How to Invest in Bitcoin?

AndyW Ltd offers a service that analyzes the bitcoin daily, weekly, and monthly. Andy will predict its price whether going up or down and when. Once you become an AndyW Ltd member, you will get the analysis and the reviews on a daily basis.

An Online Investment Advisory program for you and your BTC investment

Your investment can benefit using the blend of online investing and bitcoin including

  • ·         Low fee and minimum investment
  • ·         Portfolio management
  • ·         Potential strategies for your goals
  • ·         Consistently updating of your contribution and goal that reflect your charging needs 

Should You Invest in Bitcoins? Here are a Few Vital Reasons

There is not an iota that Bitcoin is the first example of decentralized encrypted and distributed currency, BTC has already achieved the milestone when its price broke the barrier of $10,000 for the first time. Undoubtedly, bitcoin is in limelight with plenty of interest and sensational controversies as a third type of currency and an alternative to government currency, for instance, the USD, the Euro or the raw commodity like gold and silver.   

With its very low transaction fees, bitcoin can be transferred using standard wire transfer and the foreign purchases involve fees and exchange cost. The best part about bitcoin transfer is, it has no intermediary institution or government involvement that is why the transacting fare kept very low which is very beneficial for people who frequently travel. 

Want to Invest in Bitcoin? Check out our BTC Analysis

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